Not your typical black friday email

Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting

November 2023

Black Friday:
You have everything you need

Dear friends,

October and November have been wild in our family! How about you?

So, in an effort to simplify and give myself the space to process and do all the things I needed to, I did not send out my typical monthly newsletter. I'm so sorry and promise to be back in action in December!

But, I have been thinking about you all, my Wholly Living community, so I wanted to reach out and tell you that:

  1. I miss you and I'm so grateful for your coming along on this journey with me. It means so much to me to have you in this community. I can't wait to share more of what's in store for Wholly Living in 2024.
  2. First, in case you haven't heard, I'm launching my online course in 2024 and have a waitlist. All waitlist folks will get a 20% discount, so don't wait to sign up or you might miss out on the discount!

New Course info!

This course is geared toward parents but it is really for anyone looking to heal themselves and become more whole in their relationships! Find out more here!

3. If an online course isn't your style, sign up for individual coaching with me! We can identify some goals (about anything you're wanting to change!) and dig in on some specific, customized strategies to help you meet those goals in as little as 8 weeks. Click here for more information!

Lastly, on this Black Friday, as the world and social media will tell you all the things that you "need" to make you happy or to have a good holiday season, let me be a voice that tells you...

You have everything you truly need. Anyone that tells you differently is either lying or selling something.

Be well, my friends. May you soak in all the love, joy and peace this holiday season has to offer. And if there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to reach out.

Much love,


Parent and Life Coaching

Founder of Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting, LLC. I help parents build joy, connection and healing through one-on-one parent and life coaching, online courses and social media content. I'm a mama, wife, friend, therapist and change strategist who has coached and supported hundreds of individuals, families and couples through changing patterns in their thinking, in their emotions and in their behavior around work, marriage and parenting relationships using trauma-informed and body based practices for healing and self compassion. IG: @tifwhollyliving

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