What are you keeping or cutting in 2024?

Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting

January 2024

Keep or Cut for 2024

Dear Wholly Living Community,

Happy 2024!

I think the years are passing more quickly than ever with our little one growing and all the family and work activities that take up our days, months and year. Thank you for being here and a part of this community! I'm so excited for what's in store in 2024.

I'm not much for "new year's resolutions" but I enjoy picking a word or two that I can set my focus on throughout the year. Every year, I spend the whole month of January and most of February, mulling over and reflecting on the past year and thinking/feeling into what the coming year will be. Some years I lay out the methods with which I will focus on that word/phrase, but in 2023, I needed a little less structure. My words for the year were "open and connect." I thought the year was going to be about new opportunities and re-connecting with friendships and some of it was. But this year was also about re-connecting with myself and my values and the purpose I feel God has given me. It was about recognizing the ways that I have ignored parts of myself and needed to re-attune myself to those things again.

Some years, it's hard to figure out what to keep or what to cut at the end of the year. Here is my list for this year so far.

Things I'm keeping in 2024

  • Caring for my body, mind and soul -- all three of these parts need care, attention, healing and growth in a year. I've done some experimenting this year with what works best for me and have found that I LOVE: hot baths, walks in the sunshine, dancing with my family in the kitchen, journaling, meditation, singing, yoga and weight lifting.
  • Picking a word for the year -- now it's just a habit!
  • Slowing down -- I said no to a lot of things in 2023 in order to keep a slow pace for myself and my family. This keeps my introverted self in a healthy mental and physical space.
  • Regular connection space with people who bring love, life and encouragement to my soul. This year I have recognized the significant impact deep relationships has on me and I want to keep that flow in 2024!
  • Holding out hope that God is not done growing our family -- some of you know we have been on a fertility journey the last few years. We also are working toward our foster care license. We are staying open to how our family will be built in 2024 but believing that anything is possible with God! Keeping the faith!

Things I'm cutting in 2024

  • Not writing things down -- my brain is full of too many things to be able to remember everything I need to remember. I'm cutting the belief that I will remember anything and writing, taking pictures, whatever it takes to remember.
  • Falling into the comparison trap -- I've caught myself in the comparison trap TOO. MANY. TIMES. this year and I want to cut that out....or at least start trying.
  • Doubting myself -- it has the same flavor as the comparison trap but it goes a little deeper. It's like I start to doubt my intuition or my experience and stop trusting myself. I'm going to work on recognizing that and cutting it out.

Things I'm excited for in 2024

  • I'm launching my online course in 2024!! and have a waitlist. All waitlist folks will get a 20% discount, so don't wait to sign up!

New Course!

This course is geared toward parents but it is really for anyone looking to: recognize their triggers, heal their nervous system and become more healthy and whole in their relationships! Find out more here!

  • Individual Coaching: I LOOOOVE my clients and especially love getting to work one on one with folks who are READY to CHANGE NOW! If you don't want an online course or want more individualized attention, then individual coaching is the way to go. I have just a few slots open for the new year. Click here for more information! Or reply to this email and ask your questions.
  • The potential for new family members (permanent or temporary) coming into our home in 2024! Many of you know we have been on a fertility journey for a few years now and we are engaging in some hopeful next steps for our family. We have also had a heart for fostering and hope to be licensed with Arapahoe County in Colorado by this spring! All 3 of us are excited for what's ahead and are feeling so grateful and hopeful for it all!

So, what are you keeping, cutting and excited about in 2024??! Reply to this email and tell me all about it!

Your words become your life: choose wisely

I love picking a word for each year. Recently, I reposted on IG a set of words to help get the juices flowing. Find one like it at the button below and let me know if there are any that stand out for you.

I like to pick a word that reaches beyond where I'm at right now, but also takes into account the continued healing I need (i.e. my past year/life). It is a great way to subconsciously bring about change. Sometimes it involves:

  • rediscovering a part of myself that's been dormant
  • healing a wounded part of me
  • stretching myself
  • trusting God in a new way
  • nurturing myself through a difficult or busy season
  • trying something new

Every time I pick a word or phrase, that word starts showing up EVERYWHERE! And I'm constantly drawn back to my intention behind selecting that word. I also find that my brain starts to be drawn toward things that bring that word to life in my heart and mind and then, in my life. It is often in ways that are unexpected and surprising.

Try it! Let me know what you pick and how you think it's going to show up in your life! I'll keep you posted on the word I pick.

A peek at our holiday season

From Advent activities to holiday travel and winter break with my husband and daughter home, December was a blur of love, joy, connection, meltdowns (not always the toddlers'), tears and leaning into the deep dark of waiting in the winter. It was highlighted by visits with friends and family (and Santa), light peeping, making gifts for neighbors, and shopping with my daughter. I hope your holiday season was lovely and imperfect in all the best ways too!

Take care, my friends. May 2024 be full of the blessing and wonder of living more wholly....more of you in the world is always a good thing. And if there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to reach out.

Much love,


Parent and Life Coaching

Founder of Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting, LLC. I help parents build joy, connection and healing through one-on-one parent and life coaching, online courses and social media content. I'm a mama, wife, friend, therapist and change strategist who has coached and supported hundreds of individuals, families and couples through changing patterns in their thinking, in their emotions and in their behavior around work, marriage and parenting relationships using trauma-informed and body based practices for healing and self compassion. IG: @tifwhollyliving

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