
Parent and Life Coaching

Founder of Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting, LLC. I help parents build joy, connection and healing through one-on-one parent and life coaching, online courses and social media content. I'm a mama, wife, friend, therapist and change strategist who has coached and supported hundreds of individuals, families and couples through changing patterns in their thinking, in their emotions and in their behavior around work, marriage and parenting relationships using trauma-informed and body based practices for healing and self compassion. IG: @tifwhollyliving

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Being in the middle

Dear Wholly Living Fam, Welcome, October and all the fall things (except for the weather in Colorado)! I hope your end of summer and early fall is going well. I don't know about you, but I'm about sick of the hot weather and SO READY for the coolness of fall! I think it's coming soon! Welcome newbies to the Wholly Living community! I'm so glad you're here! This is our monthly (ish) newsletter with some updates and tips/tricks to help you along the way. If you are on a journey of pursuing a...

Trust the wait text

Dear Wholly Living Fam, August is here I have been trying to send this email out since August 3. It is now the middle of August and, here we are, just now getting this out. I have been managing loads of change this month and didn't realize how quickly the days were going by and this slipped through the cracks. With that said, there are a lot of good things coming! Keep reading! Transitions and Uncertainty August brings tons of transitions for folks, especially those with kiddos. Summer is...

Dear Wholly Living Fam, Happy July!! I learned a new hobby this month -- crosstitch! I grew up learning how to embroider. It was something my maternal grandma taught me. She made baby blankets and quilt squares, so I was happy to learn something new that would use those skills. It felt like a way to honor her. We have a family member who is having her first baby and in our family, that means a crosstitch quilt where each family makes a square and one of the aunties puts all the squares...

Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting May 2024 It's June and the world seems on fire! ↓ Dear Wholly Living Fam, The last month has brought so much to our world... and our hearts, if you're anything like me. The news has been a torrential downpour of pain and suffering and strife around the world and even in our area of the world. It is normal to feel overwhelmed by all that we hear and read about in the world. It is normal to feel helpless or like we are not doing enough. It is normal to feel...

Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting May 2024 May is Mental Health Awareness Month ↓ Dear Wholly Living Fam, It's May! Can you believe it? I hope wherever you're at that you have some sunshine and beautiful spring blooms to brighten your days. I find it very appropriate for May to be Mental Health Awareness month as we are all kind of coming out of our shells and life starts springing up out of the earth. With all the "awareness" campaigns going on, I think it's a good time to do a mental...

Wholly Living Coaching March 24, 2024 Free Workshop: Managing Mama Overwhelm ↓ Hi, friends! I'm coming out of my usual rhythm of monthly emails to tell you about this free workshop I'm putting on this week for overwhelmed mamas. Psst! If this isn't you, scroll down for some ways you can help me get the word out! Free workshop giving you the basics of getting started with creating calm in the chaos of motherhood. Every parent gets overwhelmed, frustrated, angry or feels helpless. In today's...

Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting March 2024 What is in your control? ↓ Dear Wholly Living Fam, Happy March! March is one of my favorite months because it's my BIRTHDAY MONTH! March is the month that my "new year" begins with working on my goals This year I'm choosing the word "Alignment" as my word of the year. It feels true to what I'm navigating and processing and I know it will bring more healing as I continue throughout this year. As I've been thinking about what bringing myself into...

Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting February 2024 Keep Making Mistakes ↓ Dear Wholly Living Fam, It's finally February! It is one month into the new year and I'm not sure about you but January felt LOOOOOOOONG!! I spent most of the month doing some hibernating -- resting, writing, walking, playing with my fam, and trying to stay warm (it was WAY too cold!) It was so great to take everything off my to-do list and just rest. It was just what I needed. February is often the time of year when I...

Wholly Living Coaching and Consulting January 2024 Keep or Cut for 2024 ↓ Dear Wholly Living Community, Happy 2024! I think the years are passing more quickly than ever with our little one growing and all the family and work activities that take up our days, months and year. Thank you for being here and a part of this community! I'm so excited for what's in store in 2024. I'm not much for "new year's resolutions" but I enjoy picking a word or two that I can set my focus on throughout the...

Wholly Living December Newsletter Check out my website! Wholly Living Community is a group of people working toward living integrated lives (mind, body, spirit) with more love, light and joy, in good and hard times, alike. If you're new here, welcome! I'm so glad you're here! How are you living "wholly" lately? October and November have been a wild whirlwind of making family members, doing some soul searching and our household recovering from sickness or surgery (my husband's not mine. and...